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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pizza Syndicate System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-09 22:01:39 Views : 27680 Cheat : Foul play You can damage other branches' reputations with well-directed acts. For example, you can appoint unsavory punks to annoy the customers. If you want to protect yourself from operations like this, you will have to appoint security guards. You can also effectively sabotage rivals' branches by planting rats and cockroaches, which put the customers off their food. Or you could take more drastic action and poison the ingredients, or let voracious woodworm loose on your rival's furniture. While your opponent is busy dealing with the acts of sabotage, his customers will take to their heels. You then acquire new customers. Attacks When you launch an attack on storage buildings or closed branches, you can either completely empty them of their contents or demolish them. This does considerable damage to the competition. Price/quality policy If you want to force your way into a market quickly, it is often worthwhile to start with a combination of low prices and extremely low costs, if this is possible. OK, so the customers will take note of the poor quality of the cheap branches, but your excellent choice of location will already have driven your rivals to ruin. The target groups' opinions both of your own branches and rival branches can be obtained at any time. By using skilful quality management, you will soon woo all the customers away from an inferior branch. Aggressive advertising Advertising serves as a legal attack on your rivals. The advertising message is set by the individual player. The effect on the selected combination of target groups is then shown immediately. Comparative advertising can be used to emphasize one's strengths. A good marketing campaign will make the individual branches better known. Very effective advertising even has a direct effect on the opinions and attitudes of the cities' inhabitants. The better known your branches are, the wider your area of influence will be. This then tempts the customers away from your rivals. You can even put posters up near rival branches, to change the minds of hungry passers-by who were planning to give their money to your opponents. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Pizza Syndicate cheat codes.
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